Wednesday, September 7, 2011


You ever have one of those dreams that stick with you when you wake up? I'm sure you have, I've had them. I can't be the only one who's had them, they're probably quite common. I had one of those dreams last night, or by the time you're reading this, two nights ago. I thought about it all day up until now and I'm not sure I'll be able to stop thinking about it for a while, that's why I figured I should write this. Dreams are a powerful thing.

It was quite a simple dream really, me, others, and stuff. You want me to get anymore generic? But this dream was filled with emotion and that's the stuff that sticks with you. A mix of just the right emotions and just the right imagery, well, that makes a memory and dreams like these are one's not easily forgotten.

I've seen these dreams force decisions upon people, I've seen these dreams become wishes, I've seen these dreams become reality. Perhaps that's why they are so powerful. They make you aspire, achieve, and attain. They find your deepest desires and make them a reality, at least in some world. That's what makes them so appealing, the chance that literally in your wildest dreams you can rule the world, find true love, or destroy everything around you (if you have a dark side.)

I can speculate all I want about why these dreams are so powerful, ultimately, the only answer I can come up with is: heart. Not the thing that beats in your chest. I'm talking about the existential heart, y'know, the thing Ma-Ti yells when the Planeteers call upon the Captain. Your mind, body, and soul (if you believe you have one) are all influenced by this heart. The emotions you feel in these dreams last into your waking hours, either leaving you happy about life or depressed. Your "heart" represents the deepest desires within you, conquering that world, conquering love, etc.

What you do with your heart is entirely up to you. If it's broken, mend it. If it's happy, rejoice. Accept your heart and your dreams as one. Your heart is big enough, it can hold your dreams. And always remember: don't be afraid to dream bigger.