Friday, July 6, 2012

Spoiled Milk: The Amazing Spider-Man

Welcome loyal reader to a new blog post I like to call, "Spoiled Milk." Why call it that? 'Cause I'm going to take the movies I see and talk about the nitty gritty plot detail that didn't sit well with me. Spoiled Milk has two meanings essentially: 1) I'm going to spoil plot points, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! So yeah, spoiler alert and stuff, 2) movies are like milk, good for your bones, but if they spoil, things can go bad. Don't get me wrong, I love movies and let's be clear, I loved Amazing Spider-Man, but every movie has mistakes. I don't think mistakes bring a movie down, they're only natural. In fact, I think some mistakes, especially ones that can be cleared up can sometimes make a movie stronger. It's when everything goes wrong that a movie sucks. So please, don't let what I'm about to bring up make you think the movie is bad. I challenge you to think about the plot and come up with your own answers. Let's begin.

1) The Lab Tour Scene. Alright, I'm assuming anyone reading this has seen the movie, again, I warned you this whole post has spoilers. Something didn't sit right with me in this scene. Peter sneaks into a "Future Intern Tour" thing at Oscorp and is told by Gwen not to sneak off. So what does Peter do? He sneaks off. The issue that I have is that in a lab filled with dozens of white coated scientists NOBODY saw this hipster kid sneaking off into restricted areas and decided to say, "Hey kid, you can't be back here!" Sure, he was wearing a badge, but anyone with a brain, lets say a room full of smart scientist, could tell that he doesn't belong. Hell, I'm sure they knew a group of future interns where coming in today, any scientist could easily assume he's part of that group. Either way, it would have been smart to check his badge to confirm this rather than letting him walk away unnoticed. In fact, he does get noticed, by Gwen. An actual intern notices him but nobody else does? Bullshit. So that's my first issue, I can let it slide if you just consider that maybe Peter got lucky. Fine, moving on.

2) The Random Warehouse Scene. So Parker gets bit, then asks Gwen out and then goes skateboarding with hipster music to celebrate. But he celebrates in some random warehouse somewhere. Why? Does he skate there often? If so, why hasn't anybody caught him. Sure, he's alone, but the place doesn't look abandoned, it looks like people still use it. Maybe I just missed something with this one so I guess I can let it slide.

3) Unmasked by George Stacy Scene. So the vigilante that the cops are after gets unmasked by a cop and Peter spends a good couple of seconds showing his face to New Yorks Finest. I don't have a problem with why he showed it, I have a problem with why Peter Parkers face wasn't plastered all over the news the next day. Sure the public had been evacuated, so they wouldn't be there to take pictures. But police helicopters have cameras and they where right on him after his unmasking, spot light and all. George Stacy even warns Parker to leave at the end 'cause the cops will have to arrest him. So it's not like the NYPD will stop their man hunt. Spider-Man could convince George Stacy that vigilantes are sometime necessary, but ALL of "New York's Finest"? It's not like Stacy's going to be around to tell them to get rid of that helicopter footage that must have been taken. So what's stoping them? Here's what would happen the next day: the media plays helicopter footage of a tall gangly brunette teenager in a spider suit beating up a bunch of cops with the headline, "Can anyone identify this kid?" "Yeah, that's Peter Parker," says the guy who goes to school with Spider-Man. Andrew Garfield has a pretty recognizable face. Anyways, maybe George told them to scrap the footage before he died or something.

So there you have it, all the spoiled rotten parts of The Amazing Spider-Man. If you saw it, maybe you agree with me, if not, I would like your answers to these issues. If you have issues of your own, I'd like to hear them, maybe I missed one. Hope you enjoyed the read!

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