Monday, December 13, 2010

Wreck the Halls at Wrex the Halls!

I don't know what that title says to you, but to me it says, "I, Casey Rafler, went with two very awesome people, Teresa Tapia and Joseph Campagna, to 91X's WreX the Halls." It was an awesome concert on so many levels. A few things could have been better though; and so I write this latest blog entry as my review of the night. We'll start with Pre-Show, First Band: A Day to Remember, then Anberlin, Switchfoot, Jimmy Eat World, Bad Religion, My Chemical Romance (MCR), Smashing Pumpkins, and finally end with the Post-Show. Let's get to it!

So Joseph and I have met up at Teresa's to get a ride from there. He and I talk about video games and respectully wait for Madam Tapia to get ready. We headed off! Once at the SDSU Aztec Arena, we wait in a huge line, which was one of many apparently. Here a young fellow asked me where the line for the floor was, we all almost got mustaches but I was too lazy to get out of line, and people kept walking between us. Once in we saw a spot to get free mohawks; mohawks and mustaches, sounds like my great aunt Beth. Joseph and I tell Teresa that we'd get mohawks if she got one, but then she totally chickened out. In no way whatsoever did Joseph and I chicken out before asking her, because we're men, we make fire, and wheel. So then we get our seats, pretty good seats too for $48. Then the first band performs.

A Day to Remember was, at best, a band to forget. They seemed to copy a lot of the sounds the other bands played that night. Nothing more to say here really, except that there's a reason they're an opening band. That's 3 insults in one paragraph, damn I'm on a role. Moving on!

Anberlin, "Was this over before?!!!!" Before I started to really enjoy they're music? Yes. I love Anberlin, great band, but the second band that plays never gets to play much. They did play my favorite songs by them, so that was cool. They were also the band that got a mini-mosh pit to form somehow. So then Switchfoot played.

For some reason I keep spelling Switchfoot, Swtichfoot. I didn't realize how much I enjoyed this band until I heard some songs I like by them. I also didn't realize that the Beastie Boys have one good hit for me and that I actually like the Switchfoot cover of said hit. This band is great in concet, lot of energy, the lead singer jumped into the audience and actually hugged people. Too bad he didn't jump into our side of the audience. He also jumped around a lot on stage. This was the first band J-Dizzle, T-Fizzle, and myself (C-Grizzle) actually stood for.

Surprise side-note paragraph! The people sitting next to us only stood for Smashing Pumpkins, they were more of a buzz kill the entire night than Buzz Killington. Also, sometime during the evening I showed Teresa and Joseph a real life XD face, I'll totally do it for you if you ask. Doubly also, I got burned by a lighter... thanks Joseph. Now, back to your regularly broadcast review.

Jimmy Eat World, was by far, my favorite band there. No surprise seeing as they're one of my top 3 favorite bands. Also, I recognized every song they played, that was a plus. Rush out, out from the center, because it takes my pain away, realizing that of all the things I think I'll miss, there's staying up with you, coffee and cigarettes. Damn, I really didn't think I could fit three different lyrics into one coherent sentence, if you call that coherent. So now we get to the last three bands.

First up, Bad Religion, more lilke Bad Band! ZING! Oh, my humor's starting to run dry. Assuming I had any in the first place. Seriously, though, horrible band. It looked like they had a great mosh pit. The mosh pit grew huge when they played and ended up being more entertaining to watch than the band. Unfortunately, since they were part of the final 3 bands, they had a lot of songs to play. Damn they sucked, but they made the following band more worth it.

MCR!!!! OMG, OMG, I'ma pass out and if Joseph and Casey don't pass out as well I'ma remain conscious long enough to knock them out. That was Teresa's reaction to MCR. For good reason too. You have every right to look silly if you're a die-hard-fan of the band. But she didn't look to silly, because Joseph and I jumped up right after she did. They were the most theatrical and entertaining of the bands. Lot of fist pumping and jumping around and moving to the music going on from over half the audience including myself, Joseph, and Teresa. MCR, rock on!

Smashing Pumpkins. Facepalm. Okay, first, the guy who announced them, did it 10 minutes too soon. He also mentioned that Billy (the lead singer) thought the audience he played for last was "luke-warm." Then, when they come out on stage all they do is play, they don't engage their audience or say what they're playing, they just play, no moshing, nothing. Also, half the audience had already left after MCR. The people sitting next to us left half way through, this was after standing for the band. Also, they had a lot of guitar solo's and one badass drum solo. My point here is: they wonder why they have a luke-warm audience, when all of this happens. Their energy was in their guitars, drums, and lights; so at least that was good. I still love Smashing Pumpkin songs, though, just not the band in concert.

Finally, the post-show. We ended up leave during the final long note Smashing Pumpkin's played. Outside, we regretted not getting mohawks and mustaches, I may have spotted a friend or two that I knew, and Joseph and I saw a girl who goes to Grossmont that looks like Gerard Way (lead singer for MCR). Some struggling to sit on a wall occured and other such awesomeness ensued. Overall, it was a really fun night and good times were had all around. I'm definitely making Wrex the Halls a regular event. Maybe one day I'll be able to afford floor and join an awesome mosh pit. That will be the day.

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