Sunday, March 27, 2011

And now I'm back...

... from outer space. I've decided to start blogging again. 'Cause, why not? I noticed that sometimes I write depressing blog enteries and sometimes I write ones that I at least find entertaining and possibly funny to read. This time around, I'm not writing anything unless I have fun writing it. This means if it's something made for entertainment, no worries; if it's something written to be serious, well, at least it won't be depressing. That being said, I need some ideas for stuff to write. What did you like from before? What would you like me to write in the future? Leave me a comment here or message me on facebook or something telling me what kind of stuff you'd like to read. I'm practically offering to work the corners and streets of the interwebs for you, so use you're pimp hand to type topics for me to write about! Thanks in advance.