Friday, July 1, 2011

Movie Review: Transformers 3

Let me start off by saying that it's a Michael Bay film and has about as much depth as Bay is willing to put into his films (i.e. depth into female leads eyes and cleavage, depth into the center of an explosion, and depth into the interior of a really nice car.) That being said, this blog post won't have much depth to it either, not my fault, blame Michael Bay. Let's get started.

I have to get the annoying audience out of the way first. If this audience were watching any other movie besides a Bay film, I would have gone postal on the entire theater. I had a guy to the back left of me constantly expressing his suprise at the "awesome" moments depicted in the film. A lady directly in front of me kept clapping and acting giddy, not even kidding, she was a clapper; not a slow clapper either, a fast-paced loud clapper. The kid behind me kept kicking my seat. I kind of felt bad for the kid 'cause I could only assume he couldn't see over the seats (he was tiny) and therefore wanted to kick the seat in front of him in protest; dang that was an annoying audience. They're lucky it was a Transformers film and I really didn't care.

Now we'll talk about Michael Bay for a moment. I can't say much about him except that the guy is a good director... for what he directs. If you want an awesome action movie with explosions, car chases, and hot babes then Mr. Bay is your guy. Just don't expect depth from him, the only thing resembling any kind of depth in this film was the large chunk of exposition near the beginning that essentially explained why Megan Fox wasn't in the film and why Shia LaBeouf still was.

Speaking of the cast I really have nothing to say about any of them except the new love interest was a blonde English Megan Fox and that FREAKEN LEONARD NIMOY VOICED ONE OF THE TRANSFORMERS!!!!!!! Hells to the yeah, he was the best damn aspect of the entire film, they even managed to drop two, count 'em TWO Spock references into the film. One of them managed to twist a certain idiom Spock was famous for saying (during Wrath of Khan in particular.) Hells to the yeah Michael Bay, best damn thing you ever did to a movie was hiring this guy to lend his voice.

I've pretty much said everything I have to say about the movie in general: no depth, blonde Megan Fox, Leonard "Spock" Nimoy!!! So I'll just skip over my paragraph about the movie in general and just say it was awesome and leave you with my grade. I give this movie a C, make it a rental. It's still an awesome action flick and part of a pretty successful trilogy, so you may be able to enjoy a Friday night Transformers marathon in the future. Anyways, that's all I have to say, thanks for reading!

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