Friday, June 24, 2011

Nerds are hot now.

If there's one person on the face of this earth that I find more attractive than anyone else, it's me. I look in the mirror each and every day and go, "damn, you are one fiiiine modafuka!" I also look at myself in the mirror and go, "wow, I can't believe you're a total nerd." That's right, anyone who knows me has probably figured out that I like comic books, science fiction, and occasionally fantasy stuff. But how can someone as good looking as myself be something associated with pocket protectors, acne, and gigantic glasses? Oh, that's right, it's because nerds are totally hot now. I'm going to give you a few examples of famous nerds and tell you why they are hot. I also hope to get rid of the common misconception that nerds are losers that embody the "forever alone" meme.

Gentlemen and lesbians, get your google image search on, 'cause I'm about to mention some hot-famous-female-nerds. The most well known right now is probably Tina Fey, former SNL writer and star, she's won a ton of awards, and lives a happy married life with a child and one on the way: she's a self proclaimed nerd. Tricia Helfer, model, was also on the Battlestar Galactica remake series, she also dated another famous male nerd, the handsome Nathan Fillion, star of Firefly, voice of Buck in Halo: ODST, and villain/hero in Dr. Horrible. Lastly, this list would not be complete without metnioning Felicia Day. She isn't incredibly well known yet, but if you're a fan of World of Warcraft and watch a webseries called "The Guild" then you already know who this pretty red head is. Yes, she's a ginger, but damn it, some gingers look really hot.

Ladies and gay guys, this next one's for you... sort of. I can't really claim to know what's physically hot about dudes, except when I'm looking at myself in the mirror, so the men I'm going to mention are more successfully hot rather than physically hot. But in case you ladies want to google search eye candy, look up Ryan Reynolds or somebody, he's technically a nerd for having starred in a bunch of nerdy stuff like X-Men and Green Lantern.

First guy I'm going to mention is Joss Whedon, director of Buffy, Angel, Dr. Horrible, Firefly, and a bunch of other stuff that you've probably heard of but never watched. He gains a spot on this list for his famous cult following (aka nerd following) and being connected to other nerds I've mentioned like Felicia Day and Nathan Fillion.

The next guy you've most definitely heard of, J.J. Abrams. Everyone I know has seen a movie by this guy, I could also put Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, and Christopher Nolan in this paragraph simply because of how successful they are with non-nerds. Most non-nerds have seen Star Wars, E.T., and Close Encounters. What about Inception or The Dark Knight: Nolan films. Watch the new Star Trek movie, how about Super 8, I'm sure you watched LOST or Cloverfield, Alias or Fringe? Those are all Abrams. The non-nerd probably doesn't understand half of these films and shows, but they love watching them and that's my point. These directors have been exposing non-nerds to nerdy shit since the 70s and you non-nerds reading this, you've been enjoying nerdy stuff since the 70s, swallow that and try to make fun of a nerd.

Lastly, I'm going to mention the father of the hot nerd, Bill Gates. Wealthiest man alive for a long time and now in second place, occasionally hitting 3rd. This dude is far more successful than a lot of people will ever be. He made the nerd hot when he modeled in photos with all the computer tech he developed, computer tech you're probably using right now to read this (unless you're a Mac, shame on you). Imagine that bully on the playground making fun of Bill Gates, imagine that football jock picking on Gates in high school, imagine where they're at now. I don't care if that jock went on to be a famous football player or something, he'll never be as successful and happy with life as Bill Gates is, swimming in mountains of cash with his wife and kids.

It's been said that nerds tend to live happier, healthier, and better love lives in the long run. I just gave you a few of examples of this being true. I'm a proud nerd! I'm almost betting you are too, just a closeted one. I have one friend who loves Harry Potter and World of Warcraft, but probably wouldn't call himself a nerd. Another friend who's into computer tech more than the average person and wouldn't call themselves a nerd. I'm here to say, it's okay, you can come out now. Absolutely no one can mess with you anymore. Why? Because nerds are freaken hot now and everybody knows it.

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