Monday, June 20, 2011

Movie Review: Green Lantern

Yet another comic book movie review. Enjoy!

I'll start off with saying cell phones suck. Or rather, people who leave their cell phones on during movies suck. The audience was quiet and respectful throughout the movie but one lady, one lady, kept her cell phone on and guess what happened... ring, freaken, ring. I wasn't so much annoyed by this and in fact caught myself holding back laughter. It's one thing to talk during a movie because you're a person who likes to hold a conversation it's another to break the cardinal rule of ALL theaters: keep your cellphone off. I laughed because I knew that this lady had to be the stupidest lady in the world for not turning her phone off. Her stupidity was confirmed when she attempted to turn it off and apologized to the people around her because she couldn't do it for some reason then proceeded to muffle the noise. A for effort lady, F because you done fucked up.

In respects to the directing and writing of this film, it was good for the most part. I found a lot of "New Star Wars Trilogy" problems with it, like having characters randomly know each other and be close friends without any indication other than a scene were the two share an inside joke or some memory that happened off screen. Also, it was packed full of CGI, but then again, it kind of had to be in a way. It was still a pretty kickin movie otherwise, especially the last 15 or 20 minutes, those were packed with the awesome stuff you want to see in a Lantern film.

As far as casting goes I pretty much enjoyed it for the most part. I ended up liking Reynolds because he was able to play the part seriously and yet still provide a bit of humor making fun of the things that just seem ridiculous about the character. Blake Lively as Carol Ferris, she was alright, not too forgettable but not too memorable either, despite being the main love interest. Peter Sarsgaard as Hector Hammond, I don't know if the character was supposed to be a creeper, but Sarsgaard certainly pulled off playing him like one, props to this actor. Mark Strong as Sinestro, or should I say Mark Strong as the best part of the entire film, he was super boss. Angela Bassett as Dr. Waller, this lady has won a ton of awards for her acting and yet, I thought she was the worst actor in the film and that isn't a compliment to the other actors it's an insult to her. Tim Robbins was "eh", Jango Fett was a good Abin Sur, and Geoffrey Rush is just a good actor even playing a CGI Tomar-Re. Lastly, Michael Clarke Duncan as Kilowog, I thought the character was going to come off like the "big teddy bear" type that Duncan just seems to be, but his voice was perfect, it had the right amount of snarl and deepness to the it.

The most I can say about Green Lantern as a film is: if you go into looking for bad things, you'll find them. If you go in with lowered expectations but let the movie be itself, you'll be suprised to find that it isn't as bad as critics say it is. It's nowhere near the crap fest that X-Men 3 and Origins was and I ended up liking it better than Superman Returns, which I have a love/hate relationship with. The movie can be really enjoyable if you just want to watch something fun. It's not as mindless as crappy hollywood films that people watch to perpetuate the decline in movie quality, so you should be able to enjoy it without offending anyone.

I give this movie a B, see it if you get the chance. I would have given it a C for make it a rental, but I kind think people should see it for a lot of reasons: 1) You should make your own opinion of it, 2) It has a lot of blockbuster awesomeness, and 3) It needs to make money so an awesome sequel will be made (and trust me, it looks like it could have an awesome sequel.) So that's all I have to say about that, thanks for reading.

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