Saturday, November 12, 2011

Movie Review: Immortals

It's been a while since I've done a movie review, I watched Immortals on Friday and figured it was good enough for me to do a review. Here it goes!

So I should start off by saying that if you own a phone and bring it to the theater you should naturally turn it off. Another thing you can do is put it somewhere where it won't fall on the ground. I don't care where: purse, pocket, pants, where the sun don't shine; just keep it from falling on the damn ground. Anyways, I'll move on from that point.

This movie was produced by the same people who produced 300 and was advertised as being a similar type of movie. I went into it thinking they'd fall horribly short of making anything remotely as awesome as 300 simply because Zack Snyder and Frank Miller didn't work on this film in anyway. That being said, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the movie lived up to the action the imagry and the coolness of 300.

On that note I should mention that the director did a decent job. Yes, the narrative was a little crappy at some points, but again, the imagry, action, and coolness picked up the slack. Also, I had no clue who Tarsem Singh was before this movie and he seems like he's just beginning his career, hope he goes far.

The acting in this movie was absolutely amazing, but only with 3 people, the rest kind of sucked. The three good actors include: Mickey Rourke (Hyperion), Luke Evans (Zeus; aka Mr Mustachio), and Henry Cavill (Theseusuperman). Rourke is just a good actor, yes he was play a rough and tough bad guy as always, but he does a damn fine job of it. Luke Evans, in my opinion, is the embodiment of Zeus, I never really understood Zeus' motives as a god when I took mythology class (he just seemed like an old pervert with anger issues), but with Evans, everything about Zeus seemed to click (except for the mustache). Seriously, just watch how he acts, every scene is powerful and all the parts about Zeus that I never got (like non-interference with humans and the anger issues) all seemed to make sense in this movie. Anyways, now we come to Henry Cavill, just like Evans, Cavill seemed to embody a certain something, something awesome, something heroic, something (dare I say)... super. He's totally going to make an awesome Superman! I much approve!

Overall, this movie is an enjoyable experience. Even if you find things to hate about it I guarantee you'll find something to like about it also. Ladies and gay guys get hot man abs, dudes and dykes get a female nude shot or two, and everyone gets action and decent acting for the most part. My final grade is a B, see it if you get a chance. No loss if you wait, but if you want a fun weekend movie to see with your friends make it this one or Harold and Kumar (if you're with your stoner buddies).

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