Friday, January 20, 2012

... and then you die.

What is the meaning of life? That's a tough one to answer. Go ahead and ask yourself that question and think about it for a moment. Now consider that whatever answer you came up with, will probably not be the same as what some of your friends, your co-workers, or even your family came up with. So what does that mean? How can you truly know what the right answer is? Absurdism says you can't.

We seem to live in a world in which we constantly search for answers to things and can't find any. Or instead, we find a bunch of answers and can't decide which one is right, which pretty much means we haven't found an answer. Absurdism, lets you choose your own answer, while simultaneously understanding that there technically isn't an answer, at least not one you can find. You essentially get 3 options with this:

1) Become religious: your answer is God, or Jesus, or Buddha, or Tom Cruise. They bring meaning to your life, they created it after all.

2) Kill yourself: end the life that you can't find meaning for. This one is essentially a cop-out, 'cause no matter how you look at life, you're here. Ending it would just be... I don't know, absurd.

3) Accept the bullshit, default to atheism, or find your own damn meaning: fight the power. Seems to be the best option, unless you're religious, then I refer you to number one.

For all intents and purposes, life seems to suck. That's the old saying, right? Life sucks and then you die. Go ahead and ask any "born-again Christian," I bet they'd say, "if it wasn't for Jesus, my life would suck right now." Ask any apathetic/lethargic person and they'd say, "life sucks, I'm going to go die." In general, people seem to think that life sucks. But to all of those people, all of them, that includes you Mr. and Mrs. God-fearing-Christian: Fuck you for telling me my life sucks!

Granted, you never said my life sucks specifically, but you sure implied it by saying your life sucks or that life sucks in general. Hate to quote High School Musical here, but we really are all in this together. You're life sucking without Jesus implies that my life sucks because I haven't found Jesus. You're life sucking because of all the bullshit in it implies that my life sucks because I'm going through similar bullshit. I don't think life should suck at any point, because really, what would be the point in that?

I sure as hell can't abide a world that sucks, so I choose to believe it doesn't suck by believing that life is indifferent to my problems, and boy do I have ton of them. But lets be honest here, you don't want to hear them. So what do I do to face my problems?

Whatever the hell I want, that's what. The way I look at most decisions in life is as follows: there's either a God (spirutual deity), or there isn't, either way, it doesn't really matter. Follow me on this one, if there is a God, my problems don't mean anything, 'cause eventually I'll be delivered from them. If there isn't a God, then nobody keeping track anwyays, so why worry about it?

On that note, I'll finish with one more thing. Life can be the coolest and most awesome thing in the world if you fight for it and choose to live the life you want to live... and then you die, beyond that, doesn't really matter, you're here now, make the best of it. Thanks for reading!

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