Friday, February 3, 2012

Superman Saves Too

I'm writing this because of Superman and I never thought this would be one of the hardest blogs I'd ever write. But not for the reasons you'd think. I've been having a rough day, hell, a rough month, maybe even year. As I go along, I hope to convey why I'm having a hard time writing this and why the blog is written because of Superman, but not because of Superman. Lets start with that confusing notion.

You may be thinking, Casey's writing a blog about Superman because he's a fan of Superman and just needs something to write about in his boredom. This is not the case. I'm writing specifically about Superman today because I just experienced a moment when I needed him the most. Yes, a moment when I needed a fictional superhero to help me get through something.

This is a hard blog to write because of that something, and that something was: giving up. Not giving up doing something, but giving up the person I am simply because I'm tired of being that person. This is where Superman comes in and why I like him.

Many people have compared me to Superman and for good reason, I aspire to be like him. I don't mean I want to fly and shoot lasers out of my eye (although that would be awesome), I mean I want to be like the type of person he is. Superman is a symbol of hope, he is a man who has achieved great things fictionally and hell, non-fictionally. Not only can his character stand the test of time but his comic does as well. This is why I like the big blue boyscout.

Every time I feel down, or angry, or just feel like reading a comic I always go for a Superman one. I do this because every time I open a Superman comic I see a world where the nerdy nice guy gets the girl. I see a world where one man can achieve great things. I see a world where, no matter how hard things get, that one nerdy nice man never gives up.

I was very close to giving up today. Not on life, but on how I wanted to live it. A lot of people don't think I can be an asshole, that I'm always going to be the nice guy. But you know what, in a way they're right, but not for the reasons they may think. The nice guy isn't the nice guy because he's simply born that way, he's the nice guy because goddamn it he chooses to be, through thick and thin he never gives up.

I was moments away from up and deciding to be an asshole, yes, just deciding to be mean to everyone (and yes, I know how, just ask the rare person I've been an asshole to), but at the last second something saved me: a symbol, a character, a hero. This something pulled me from my anger, from my sadness, and from my hate back into the light that I struggle to remain in. Today, I was saved by Superman.

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