Tuesday, February 14, 2012

3 in 1 Movie Review: Romances

If you're like me on Valentine's Day... then you're all alone you sad sack of shit!!! Just kidding, I'm a fan of most holidays, despite commercialism and other negative things related to any particular holiday. This holiday is kind of special, you get to spend it with someone you absolutely love or you get to relax and enjoy being single. If you're one of the relaxing singles (I'd like your number please) or even a couple who likes to stay in on Valentine's Day (and not do dirty things I guess) then I say curl up on the couch and watch yourself a movie or two. Here's a list of my top 3 favorite love stories and a quick review on each. From 3 to 1, lets count down!

The Artist.
This is a cute little film that may still may be out in theaters. It's a silent film about an actor who can't let go of the silent film era when it begins to move into the era of talking movies (or talkies as they were known.) I like this film as a love story because the romance aspect is a subplot to the rest of the film. The movie is about the film industry and one mans struggle to survive in the world. Heck, the romance aspect is so far down on the plot list that the main character ends up having a better relationship with his dog (not in the sick kind of way.) But the romantic aspect is such a lovely story, full of ups and downs, twists and turns, so much so that I recommend it if you decide to go out and see a movie tonight. Also, to make this a full movie review like I promised I would a few days ago, I give the movie and B, see it if you get the chance or at least buy or rent it on DVD. The directing and silent acting where also magnificant.

11 Minutes Ago.
Fair warning to people who hate independent films, this is one of them. But it's not an indie film in the same sense that most of what Michael Cera makes are indie films. This one LOOKS like it was made by a bunch of college students, but that's where the comparison ends. The plot and structure to this film and how well executed it is make up for anything that may come off as amateur. It's essentially a love story about a time traveler who falls in love with a lady from a different time than his own (he's from the future.) But unlike movies like The Lake House or how I'm assuming The Time Traveler's Wife is done (I haven't actually seen it), 11 Minutes Ago marries romance and sci-fi together in such a way that you feel like neither one is lacking. What I'm saying is The Lake House was a romance with a time machine plot device, 11 Minutes Ago is a science fiction romance. I give it an A, it's on Netflix Instant, you should check it out if you can. The acting is eh but the directing is amazing!

Wristcutters: A Love Story.
Last but certainly not least, my all time favorite love story. Now don't let the title fool you, this movie is a lot more light hearted and full of fun than you think. It's essentially about a guy who dies and goes to hell (I'll give you a guess as to how he dies. *Hint: Title of the movie.) In hell he finds a girl and the love story begins. This, just like the other two movies on my list blend romance with other fantastic story telling elements in an awesome way. I love this movie not only for that, but for the fantasty element it has as well as how it presents it's views on morality, life, and religion. Love this movie, I give it an A, it's on Netflix Instant as well. The acting is pretty good and so is the directing.

Well there you have it. If you're a couple, hope you enjoy watching these movies together. If you're single, try to concentrate on the other cool parts about these movies. Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it and of course, Happy Valentine's Day!

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