Saturday, February 4, 2012

Movie Review: Chronicle

You know what was a good movie, Office Space. That movie was funny and smart. But this review is about Chronicle, so lets get crackin' my homies!

Chronicle is a film about 3 highschool seniors who get super powers and tear some shit up. Everyone who worked on the film was an essential "nobody" who's getting their start in cinema and let me tell you, they all did pretty amazing. In the directing category we have the "found footage"/POV style format which was introduced to the modern public with Cloverfield, popularised by Paranormal Activity, and is now kind of over used. However, despite all the typical stuff you see with POV directing, this movie did some pretty cool things with it that went above and beyond the norm. I would describe a few breathtaking scenes but that could spoil the movie for you. I'll move on to acting.

For a bunch of actors I don't recognize, they did a pretty good job. With the exception of HUD from Cloverfield, not that many of these "found footage" actors seem to go on to do anything else recognizable. Goodness I hope the actors in Chronicle do. On a side note, the actor who plays Andrew (the cameraman character and essential star of the film) reminds me of a young Leonardo DiCaprio, the friends I saw the movie with agreed.

There are so many awesome things I want to tell you about this film, like the many awesome scenes, interesting plot, and the nice superhero theme they eloquently sewed into the film. But I think it's best if you see this movie yourself, I give it an A+. See it, then see it again, and be sure to invite me with you both times. Thanks for reading!

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