Monday, March 19, 2012

Movie Review: Safe House

You ever see that one movie where Denzel Washington acts like Denzel Washington for 2hrs and everything looks grainy and dark. So you have seen Safe House, great, that's going to make my review a lot easier.

Safe House is about Denzel Washington being a traitor to the... well, to everybody. He gets held at a safe house for interrogation ran by Ryan Reynolds. It turns out this safe house is a cover for a male prostitution ring, so Denzel and Ryan have to infultrate it by taking their shirts off... and I'm totally bullshitting you, go dry off ladies. I won't reveal more about the actual plot of the film, but I will say that you've probably already seen it before. That being said, lets take a look at the acting.

I don't know if you caught this earlier, but just in case you didn't, Denzel Washington acts like Denzel Washingon for 2hrs. I'm not saying that's a bad things, Denzel is Denzel, I'm just saying no acting was required on his part. Ryan Reynolds on the other hand seemed to take his part seriously and actually did a convincing job in a dramatic action role. Mad-Eye Moody is also in this film, Brendan Gleeson for those who give a shit, he plays a CIA agent and his American accent is only somewhat believable. Now onto the director.

Remember how I said all of Denzel Washington's films look grainy and dark, well it turns out the director of Safe House... didn't direct any Denzel films before this. Looks like we know who was really pulling the strings during filming. Anyways, the guy directed your typical gritty action film and did a decent job I suppose.

In closing I will say that this movie was half way decent. Apart from an audience member whispering the plot of the film to someone who I assume was blind, I had an alright time. That being said, this is your typical Denzel Washington action movie, if you like that kind of stuff then go see it, if not then congrats you passed my gay test (this is Denzel and Reynolds in the same movie.) I'll give this film a C-, rent it on DVD or Blu-Ray, but only if you're having a Denzelathon. Thanks for reading!

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