Monday, March 19, 2012

Movie Review: John Carter

So there once was a story written by Edgar Rice Burroughs about a guy who ran around in a loincloth, it was called Tarzan. He also wrote a sci-fi about a guy who ran around in a loincloth and called it A Princess of Mars. It spawned an entire book series and was eventually made into the movie John Carter. The more you know!

John Carter is about a guy from the 1800's getting transported to Mars, finding out he has superstrength and can jump real high (who says white men can't jump?). He also gets caught in the middle of a war and falls in love with a princess... of mars, hence the title of the book.

The acting in this film was top notch. Bryan Cranston has a bit part, you may know him from such things as Malcom in the Middle and Breaking Bad. Willem Dafoe voices one of the CGI green martians and I didn't even know it was him. Lynn Collins runs around in hot-almost-revealing dresses and Taylor Kitsch's loincloth turns into a tent. Nothing too special to say about the acting, it's a Disney film, everything Disney does is gold including acting. Disney could take a crap, film it, and make billions at the box office. Anyways, lets take a look at the directing.

Andrew Stanton is the name of someone you've never heard of, unless you're a Disney fan. This guy's done a ton of stuff for them. Things like: Toy Story 1,2, and 3, Up, and pretty much every Disney film. So I can't really say anything bad about the guy, he obviously knows what he's doing.

On a completely unrelated note, but something I feel like I should menton, I fell asleep for the first 10-15 minutes of the film. Granted I was super tired at the time, but the first good chunk of the film is kind of boring. However, it's where a good deal of important set-ups happen for later plot points, so if you attend I'd suggest paying attention.

All-in-all it was a pretty good film. It defintetly doesn't hold a candle to Pirates, but at least it was better than Prince of Persion (which I didn't find all that bad.) That being said I give this film a B-, see it if you get the chance, but if you can't afford it now no worries on renting it or buying it on DVD. It's a nice little film, I had a problem with a certain plot point near the end, but I'll save that for anyone who's sees the film and wants to ask me about it. Anyways, thanks for reading!

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