Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday: My Analysis of the Rebecca Black Song

I may be behind on this by a couple of weeks, but the song is still being senselessly thrown around over the internet. Therefore, it is not too late to give my take on the lyrics and music video to this infamous song. It's Friday!

  • So we open with a bunch of "yeahs" as a horrible CGI calendar peels back it's pages and depicts a very grotesque image of our singer Rebecca Black. Friday is listed as Friday, Sunday is for studying (the scriptures? who studies on a Sunday?), oh but Monday is a test (what a wonderful way for a teacher to start the week off, with a test), Tuesday is more homework day, Wednesday is music practice (she's going to need it), the essay's due Thursday, then it's Friday again. Also, some quotes are on each page, I think they're song quotes because I recognized Manic Monday on Monday's page. Moving on!

  • "7AM waking up in the morning," fair enough, lot of people do that. "Gotta be fresh gotta go downstairs, gotta have my bowl," smoke up!, "gotta have my cereal," obviously she's getting the munchies after smoking her bowl. "Seeing everything, the time is going, ticking on and on, everybody's rushing, gotta get down to the bus stop, gotta catch my bus, I see my friends," so therefore I will not be taking the bus.

  • "Kicking in the front seat, sitting in the back seat, gotta make my mind up, which seat can I take?" I say put her in the trunk for being indecisive. Besides, everyone should have a Rebecca Black in their trunk in case of emergency.

  • "It's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday," but you've gotta jump up, jump up and get down! "Everybody's looking forward to the weekend," then this lyric repeats, unfortunately.

  • "Partying, partying, yeah, partying, partying, yeah, fun, fun, fun, fun, looking forward to the weekend," that's got to be the laziest set of lyrics ever written in the history of ever.

  • "7:45 we're driving on the highway," at night... not sitting in your seat... this will end well. "Cruising so fast, I want time to fly," don't worry, when your friend crashes the car and you're put into a coma for 10 years time will really seem to fly. "Fun, fun, thinking about fun" coincidence, I'm thinking about genocide too. "You know what it is," no, no I do not, and quite frankly I am frightened to find out. "I got this, you got this," and now we all have herpes. "My friend is by my right, ay" she's got it too. "I got this, you got this, and now you know it," well it was your responsibility to tell me, but it was me who should have worn the condom.

  • "Kicking in the front seat, sitting in the back seat, gotta make my mind up, which seat can I take?" SHOTGUN! No seriously, somebody shoot her.

  • "It's Friday....gotta get down... looking forward to the weekend... partying... fun, fun, fun, fun... looking forward to the weekend," I'm not, at least, not anymore.

  • "Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday," that was when Ms. Black's intelligently written essay about time was due, "today is, is Friday, Friday," couldn't have said it better myself, "we-we-we so excited," is that even proper english, "we so excited," nope. "We gonna have a ball today," not me cuz I be smokin a bowl wit mah oda frands and we only be chillin. "Tomorrow is Saturday," bullshit! I don't believe you. "And Sunday comes afterwards," praise the Lord on high! "I don't want this weekend to end," but I want you to stop singing.

  • This is the part were some radom rap star comes out of nowhere and pretty much reiterates everything Rebecca has said up to this point, "It's Friday, cruising, partying, it's a weekend."

  • The song then ends with Rebecca repeating, "It's Friday, partying, etc," part and everyone at the Friday night party she went to begins to cheer. But they're not cheering because she sang so well, they're cheering because she finally shut up!

Overall this song kind of sucks. It's horribly written and directed and Ms. Black sounds like the human equivalent of nails on a chalkboard. If you like the song, good for you. If you don't think Rebecca is that bad, good for you. But me, I don't like Rebecaa Black, so I'm not going to listen to her and instead continue to listen to a much better young pop singer... Justin Bieber, 'cause it's Friday and I got the fever!