Friday, April 15, 2011

Halo Vs Call of Duty: It's Time We Bury the Hatchet

Before I get started with this post let me just say Happy Birthday to Emma Watson and Charlie Chaplin. Moment of silence for Chaplin, may he rest in peace. Moment of silence for Emma Watson's career post-Harry Potter, may it rest in peace. Now let's get started!

For those who aren't aware both Halo and Call of Duty are First Person Shooter (FPS) video games. If you are aware of their existence then you are more than likely aware of the feud between Call of Duty players and Halo players. Halo fans tend to call Call of Duty players things like, "stupid", "dumb", and "cockbiting jackasses." While Call of Duty fans call Halo players, "immature","young", and "shit-eating Kumquats." In case you where wondering, I am a shit-eating Kumquat. But hopefully after this little post, it won't matter what I am, because it's time to bury the hatchet. It's time to make Halo fans and Call of Duty fans friends.

In order to end this feud we must understand why the feud is exists. Despite being FPS games, Halo and Call of Duty are different on many different levels (CoD: Black Ops excluded.) Halo is a sci-fi series where your character gets futuristic weapons, armor, and shielding to fight off hordes of aliens. Call of Duty takes a more realistic approach and uses historical battles for its gameplay. From what I can gather these simple differences and the affect they have on gameplay are the only reason Halo and CoD fans at each others necks.

I've heard Call of Duty fans say that Halo was too easy for them. That beating Halo on Legendary (the highest difficulty level in the game) was not much of an accomplishment. I had a friend that played Halo on Normal and found it too easy, but wouldn't play it on Legendary. They didn't even play Multiplayer, which is one of the more fun aspects of the game. On the opposite side of this I've had people tell me Call of Duty was lame and boring. A Halo rap video online pretty much compares Call of Duty fans to 3-year-olds. But really, if it's gameplay that causes people to fight over which game sucks and which game doesn't, then why fight at all?

Both games have made millions. Both games are incredibly popular. Halo has expanded into book series and T.V. Hell, people still want to see a Halo movie. Call of Duty has expanded into other titles sharing the CoD tag, it has it's historical games, but it also has Modern Warfare. Halo fans can't hate on Call of Duty because it's successful and provides gamers with the experience to essentially re-live famous war battles. Call of Duty fans can't hate on Halo because it too is successful and provides for a new way to play FPS.

Now comes the part where we bury the hatchet. Halo fans, don't hate on Call of Duty until you've tried it. I guarantee you it's fun and challenging. Call of Duty fans, vice versa. If either one of you find the other game to be too easy, then good for you. You have a gift that others would kill to have. If you can honestly play Halo on Legendary or Multiplayer and kick ass then you should use that to your advantage. Use the "easy gameplay" to kick the asses of the one type of gameplayer everyone hates that CoD and Halo share with each other, noobs. 'Cause at the end of the day we can all agree that little 13 year olds who cuss exessivly while gaming suck. So if you won't bury the hatchet for the sake of being respectful towards two very popular games, then do it for the sake of killing those young-immature-stupid-dumb-cockbiting-shit-eating-jackass-Kumquat noobs!!!! I have made my peace, thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed!

1 comment:

  1. You should add the word "F***" a lot makes you sound like your not a Vagina. but beside that. I agree we should our differs apart and be friends. I hope one day Bungie and Activision would come together and make Call of Halo.. Lol Not but Halo is better.
