Saturday, August 28, 2010

Movie Review: Vampires Suck

Yup, I'm reviewing this one. It ain't gonna be pretty. Movie first, then cast, then director, the audience, and finally the grade and final note.
Okay, so the one good thing about the movie I can say, is that it was better than I thought it would be. The type of movie it is usually sucks. It fits the cheap-spoof-movie-that-recycles-jokes genre. The evil, retarded brother of good spoof movies like: Airplane, Scary Movie 1 & 2, Shaun of the Dead, and Hot Fuzz (a genre spoof on that one). But it was the best of the type of movie it was. Mostly because it stuck with one movie this time, technically two, instead of a bunch. A lot of movie's being spoofed makes things messy. One thing that bothers me about these movies, and Vampires Suck is no exception, most of their funny stuff is at the beginning. The humor tends to be random, so you laugh a lot at the beginning because everything seems silly, but as the movie progresses, things become dull and over used. That's what I have to say on that.
The cast was filled with a bunch of unrecognizable people or people I didn't care for or people from MADtv (may that show rest in peace; Fox is the Devil's Network!). So I only have two things to say on this. The actors did a really good job imitating and humorously portraying the cast of the Twilight movies. Which also means they're better actors than the cast of the Twilight movies.
Two people made this film: Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer. They are two of the writers who worked on the original Scary Movie, clearly the Wayans Brother's held the true genius behind those films. These guys are also known for: Date Movie, Epic Movie, Meet the Spartans, and Disaster Movie (Read: crap, crap, crap, and crap). Naturally with Vampires Suck, they recycled a few jokes, some of which they pulled straight from Scary Movie. But they didn't do it as often as they have with the other movies, so for that I say, "you guys are getting better."
The audience. I was 1 out of 8 people in the theater. Very quiet. This is a prime example of why Hollywood and the Theater industry is going to hell. No movie should be so damn bad that only 8 people buy tickets for one showtime.
Finally, I get to give a movie my first C! Make it a rental, folks! Better nobody sees it in theaters, to send Hollywood a message, than 8 people. Also, the movie is way better than those Twilight films. My final note, if Christopher Nolan made Vampires Suck, it would have been the most beautiful Vampire film ever made. But this is reality, unfortunately Christopher Nolan can't make every film. But Hollywood should definitely take a cue from the guy and start making good movies.


  1. If Christopher Nolan made every single movie in Hollywood, then it wouldn't be as special.

    Also, the world can't handle that much awesome. He has to pace us. xD
