Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Nasty Repercussions

Okay, so this is my blog post about a certain movie called The Truman Show. For those of you who don't know what movie I'm talking about, let me spoil it for you (after all, the movie is literally over a decade old). Jim Carrey plays a guy who's life is filmed 24/7, the problem is, his character is unaware of this. The show runs for years and gains fans worldwide, becoming the most popular show ever in the "Trumanverse" as it were. Things in Truman's televised reality show get a little out of whack when Truman begins to realize his entire life has pretty much been a charade. Eventually things get so out of hand, Truman decides to up and leave. Assuming you've seen the movie (decade old), it ends with him up and leaving. This is were I have a problem, go figure that I'd have a problem with a film ending. In the next few paragraphs I plan to knock out the reasons why "up and leaving" may not have been the best choice for Truman to make at the end of the film. Let's get to is, shall we!

1) It would piss a lot of people off. I don't just mean Producers, Actors, the Dome Maintenance Crew, people who invested into building what would be a very expensive "set", the director guy, and his video crew. I mostly mean the fans. Security Guards neglected their work to watch the show, one guy wouldn't even get out of the bath so long as the show was on. People placed bets on every thing Truman did on the show. When he leaves, what's to stop one of his crazy fans from deciding to assassinate him because Truman doesn't want to do the show anymore? What about the more high-stakes gamblers, who lost a lot when the show ended, they may actually have to power to stop Truman dead (if you get what I'm saying). Anyways, that's that point.

2) He doesn't know where the hell he's going once he's left. I understand that Truman does have the picture of the girl and that she's his goal once he leaves. I also understand that she'll try to find him. But how the hell is this going to happen? He'll leave, but how does he know how to leave the dome. He walks into darkness at the end, the domes walls have to be pretty thick do house all the equipment it did. Walking through it would be like walking through a maze. Once he leaves it, where then? He doesn't know where the girl actually lives and with the giant rush of fans that will follow Truman's every move, it'll be hard for her to get near him. I'm just saying.

3) He has to completely adjust to a new and different life. His entire life to the point of leaving the show was essentially normal. But once he leaves, he'll gain the life of the most famous star in the entire world in seconds. That's the equivalent of me just walking outside one day to see thousand's (possibly million's) of people ready to greet me. Sure, that would be awesome for someone who wants fame, but Truman clearly didn't want that, so it wouldn't be awesome for him. Second point to this is, although his life has been normal, everything he's "worked" for has essentially been planned out. If he didn't get a job when he was younger and a first time applicant, that was preplanned. When he did get the job he had on the show, that was preplanned? Ever aspect of his life was essentially preplanned, he essentially didn't work for anything. How does he expect to get a job in the real world? He'll be that one guy from the T.V. show that everyone talks about. Worst case scenario, he can't get a job and ends up like George Reeve's (may he rest in peace). Best case scenario, he ends up getting a dead-end job while his entire life is scrutinized and most likely filmed for a crappy reality television series on Fox. He'll end up like almost every sing Child Star that ever lived (cocaine addictions and all). Come to think of it, the second scenario may be the worst case.

Now I know the whole point of the film was to show why living a life of uncertainty holds more freedom than a life preplanned, but that doesn't mean Truman had to just leave right away. I mean, once he became fully aware of everything and expressed interest in leaving, the producers and whatnot would have no choice but to let him leave. But at least if Truman had waited, he would be able to leave safely and not face the three problems mentioned above. That's just my opinion, though. If you've read this and have seen the movie, let me know your opinion via any medium you see fit, facebook message, chat, in person, etc.


  1. The movie wasn't about the smart thing to do. Though rationally it would have been best to stay there for a short amount of time before transitioning to the real world, but where is the symbolism in that? Having him walk out into darkness was a better overall ending. How lame would it have been to have him go back and live there for awhile and then leave. Unrealistic as it is I cant say i wouldnt have done what he did. After he knew the truth about his life all he wanted was to move on, it was almost like a transition from Earth to Heaven complete with the voice of God. Thats all he was in was a simulation of how god would supposedly work. He controls your life, watching you, making sure you dont do anything to stupid. But what did it mean? "God" or the director wanted him to stay and live out all of his life preferably in blissful ignorance of the outside world, Truman however didnt want this. He defied the wishes of God. In the end The Truman show was really about man kinds ability to control his own destiny. The name Truman or True Man is symbolic of this. In order to be a "True Man" all one must do is create his own destiny and defy what our destiny holds for us. Long story short, if he did the sensible thing and went back the ending would have lost all symbolism and meaning.

  2. Mitchell, man, you take the words right out of my mouth. I was hoping someone would catch the God connection with the preplanned life thing. I totally agree with everything you're saying. Metaphorically speaking, it was a really good ending. I just like to rant about the realism behind it.
