Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I learned something today...

Yes, I quoted South Park for my title. I've come to the realization that I haven't posted a blog in a very long time. I've left my readers in the dark. I've also come to another realization, hence the title. I still don't know who all reads these. I can think of 4 maybe 5 people. I'd like to start off by thanking the people who read these. This post is for you.

I've had a pretty relaxing day today. It feels like it's been my first day off in a long while. I know, I have a three day weekend every week. But I usually do so much on those days. Today, I could actually relax.

One of my friends came over and we worked out. Yes, I have a weight set. Yes, I use it. Yes, my arms look pretty kickin. You want ticket's to the gun show now, don't you. Usually I feel pretty tired and worn... before I workout. Sometimes I even get annoyed with the idea of working out. Today, however, I felt inexplicably energized. The workout also rejuvenated me. That was the beginning of my day.

I did have to drive this friend home when I didn't want to. But it was cool. When I got back home, the temperature was a little warm. That was, ironically, cool. Get it? Anyways, I watched Forrest Gump. That's when the first realization hit. This will sound corny as shit, but life really is like a box of chocolates. Gump's character goes through a lot, never knowing what's around the next corner. I realized, he's the average Joe's hero. I don't know what the future holds, but I realized, that's not a bad thing. If it's good, great! If it's bad, well, Forrest got through it, so can I. I also had another realization in relation to the Jenny/Gump thing, but I won't mention that here, you'll have to ask me in person.

Afterward, a really dear and close friend of mine texted me. No, I'm not being sarcastic, they're honestly a really good friend. They suggested that I should take a nap. I'm not one to usually take naps, I'll rest my head for a few minutes, but never nap. I took this friends advice. It was a power nap, only an hour maybe two of actual sleep, but it was worth it. That nap was one of the most relaxing things I've done in a long while. After that, I thought for a very long time. That's why this post is here.

What did I think about? Well, that's a secret. But it did make me happy with the world. It was a happy that I haven't had in a very long time. Don't get me wrong, I am a happy person I suppose. It's just, take a look back on a lot of the stuff I've posted on this blog and facebook. Some of the time, things get a little sad and depressing. I've been told this. But that's okay, I don't feel hurt by that. So don't get me wrong. It's just. I feel like everything's 100% okay now. That's a good thing. Sure, I'll still bitch and complain on facebook about things. Sure, I'll still write incredibly long blog posts. But just know. Casey's cool. Because he is. Not just patting myself on the back there.

Well, thank you all for reading. I'll try to post more stuff in the future. If you'd like to leave a comment on my facebook link to this, that would be much appreaciated. I really love the feedback.

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