Thursday, September 23, 2010

Movie Review: Easy A

Okay, so Easy A is about a girl who pretends to be a whore. Sound bad? Well, it's not as bad as you think. You've got to see the movie. You'll understand. Movie, cast, director, audience, then grade and final note, you know the drill.

So I pretty much just explained the essential plot. If I said anything else, it would ruin the film. Watch the trailer for it if you want more (apparently one of my friends didn't even know the film existed, he clearly hadn't seen the trailer). One thing I will say about it, the subtext in the film is absolutely brilliant. On the surface, the film has a bunch of satire, comedy, and bullshit. Underneath it all, amazing insight into society. Great stuff on the surface and deep within.

Emma Stone, caught my interest in Superbad, developed as an actress in Zombieland, now has the lead role, she's become quite the good actress. Penn Badgley, a CW star, don't know much about him, didn't learn much about him from the film, but he's cool. Amanda Bynes, had her own TV show once, as far as movies go, she gets supporting roles that are very important to the film it seems, this one's no exception. Thomas Haden Church, I've seen him in a lot of obscure movies I've watched (including Spider-Man 3, ZING!), I like him as an actor. Patricia Clarkson, don't know much about her, worth the mention though. Stanley Tucci, read the previous sentence. Cam Gigandet, apparently James from Twilight, he clearly has a better role in Easy A. Aly Michalka, worth the mention. Lisa Kudrow, haven't seen her since Friends, loved her role in this film. Malcolm McDowell, A Clockwork Orange himself, also had a role on Heroes, my mind nearly exploded with amazement when I saw him appear on screen. Finally, if you see the film, you'll recognize the pastor character, he's worth the mention too, not saying who it is, though.

Will Gluck, the director. He directed and co-wrote Fired Up as well. Loved that film. This guy knows how to make me laugh. He hasn't done much else worth mentioning yet, though.

Audience. Okay, so, this is a date movie. No denying that. You'll see a bunch of couples their. Yes I did go with a lady friend myself. Key word in that last sentence: friend. But I digress. A big group of young High School or College students were in the audience as well, but they remained quiet, I was pleased.

Final note. I almost wrote another Scott Pilgrim blog, but it turns out, this movie's ending was in fact different than Scott Pilgrim's ending. I would get into why, but I don't need to and you probably don't want to read it, I sure wouldn't. Easy A has plenty of awesome subtext, a good ending believe it or not (for what it wanted to accomplish), and a really amazing message. It was nicely put together and was different than most of the crap Hollywood dishes out. Overall, I give Easy A an A, "for awesome," it's a must see.

Movie Review: Lottery Ticket

So I saw Lottery Ticket a while ago, the 6th to be exact. I should start off by saying that I liked the film. Yes, you read that correctly, I liked Lottery Ticket. Okay, so, same formula as usual. First, the movie. Then the cast. Followed by the audience (I'm not doing director because he's not that important for this one, I'm not doing producer because it's Ice Cube). Finally, I'll end with a grade and final note. Let's get this party started!

When Lottery Ticket hit theaters I kept hearing review after review saying it was the "Friday" for our generation. For those of you who aren't aware, Friday, Next Friday, and Friday After Next are apart of the Friday Trilogy, movies about Ice Cube living in "the hood." Let me just say, Lottery Ticket really is the Friday for our generation. It's essentially about Bow Wow living in "the hood". Both the Trilogy and Lottery Ticket also have that laid back feel to it. What I mean by this is that in the Friday Trilogy, most of the movie is spent walking (literally walking) the character to each important plot progressing destination. The first 15min of Lottery Ticket is spent getting Bow Wow's character to work. Here's the thing, for most people, that sounds like a terrible film. Granted, for most Lottery Ticket will be a terrible film. However, I'm a fan of "Black People Comedy" (not trying to be racist, so don't get me wrong.) I liked all of the Friday movies. I even liked BarberShop and I own Barber Shop 2. So, I liked Lottery Ticket, 'nuff said.

Let's break the cast down now, shall we. Bow Wow, the last film I saw him in was Like Mike (which I liked), he doesn't do much as an actor, which I guess is a good thing, not saying he's bad, just saying I like him more as a rapper. Brandon T. Jackson, this guy was the funniest character in the film, not surprising, he had the best role in The Lightning Thief and a pretty good role in Tropic Thunder, this guy needs to be in more movies. Naturi Naughton, (who?), exactly. Loretta DeVine, I think she played the mother, if it was her, she was good. Ice Cube, well, he played an old guy, he's only 41, I guess it worked, so, yeah, make your own judgements. Keith David, loved him in the Riddick movies, he does a lot of voice acting but has a familiar face (he's the voice of the freaken Arbiter in the Halo series), he did well in his role. Terry Crews, this guy is hilarious in all the stuff I've seen him in. Charlie Murphy, when did he get more famous than his really famous brother? Probably when Eddie was caught with that transvestite prostitute, but I digress. The rest of the cast didn't seem all that important.

The audience. I want to say I was 1 of 6 people again (or was it 8? I'm too lazy to check). I want to say more people saw this than Vampires Suck. The audience wasn't that annoying from what I remember, but you always risk the fat black lady who likes to comment on the film (don't call me racist, she exists, first hand experiences).

Because this review has gone on too long for a movie I saw almost a moth ago I'll finish it quick. No big final note, you'll get what you want to expect from the film, whatever that is. I give it a C, make it a rental, most people will want to.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I learned something today...

Yes, I quoted South Park for my title. I've come to the realization that I haven't posted a blog in a very long time. I've left my readers in the dark. I've also come to another realization, hence the title. I still don't know who all reads these. I can think of 4 maybe 5 people. I'd like to start off by thanking the people who read these. This post is for you.

I've had a pretty relaxing day today. It feels like it's been my first day off in a long while. I know, I have a three day weekend every week. But I usually do so much on those days. Today, I could actually relax.

One of my friends came over and we worked out. Yes, I have a weight set. Yes, I use it. Yes, my arms look pretty kickin. You want ticket's to the gun show now, don't you. Usually I feel pretty tired and worn... before I workout. Sometimes I even get annoyed with the idea of working out. Today, however, I felt inexplicably energized. The workout also rejuvenated me. That was the beginning of my day.

I did have to drive this friend home when I didn't want to. But it was cool. When I got back home, the temperature was a little warm. That was, ironically, cool. Get it? Anyways, I watched Forrest Gump. That's when the first realization hit. This will sound corny as shit, but life really is like a box of chocolates. Gump's character goes through a lot, never knowing what's around the next corner. I realized, he's the average Joe's hero. I don't know what the future holds, but I realized, that's not a bad thing. If it's good, great! If it's bad, well, Forrest got through it, so can I. I also had another realization in relation to the Jenny/Gump thing, but I won't mention that here, you'll have to ask me in person.

Afterward, a really dear and close friend of mine texted me. No, I'm not being sarcastic, they're honestly a really good friend. They suggested that I should take a nap. I'm not one to usually take naps, I'll rest my head for a few minutes, but never nap. I took this friends advice. It was a power nap, only an hour maybe two of actual sleep, but it was worth it. That nap was one of the most relaxing things I've done in a long while. After that, I thought for a very long time. That's why this post is here.

What did I think about? Well, that's a secret. But it did make me happy with the world. It was a happy that I haven't had in a very long time. Don't get me wrong, I am a happy person I suppose. It's just, take a look back on a lot of the stuff I've posted on this blog and facebook. Some of the time, things get a little sad and depressing. I've been told this. But that's okay, I don't feel hurt by that. So don't get me wrong. It's just. I feel like everything's 100% okay now. That's a good thing. Sure, I'll still bitch and complain on facebook about things. Sure, I'll still write incredibly long blog posts. But just know. Casey's cool. Because he is. Not just patting myself on the back there.

Well, thank you all for reading. I'll try to post more stuff in the future. If you'd like to leave a comment on my facebook link to this, that would be much appreaciated. I really love the feedback.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Nasty Repercussions

Okay, so this is my blog post about a certain movie called The Truman Show. For those of you who don't know what movie I'm talking about, let me spoil it for you (after all, the movie is literally over a decade old). Jim Carrey plays a guy who's life is filmed 24/7, the problem is, his character is unaware of this. The show runs for years and gains fans worldwide, becoming the most popular show ever in the "Trumanverse" as it were. Things in Truman's televised reality show get a little out of whack when Truman begins to realize his entire life has pretty much been a charade. Eventually things get so out of hand, Truman decides to up and leave. Assuming you've seen the movie (decade old), it ends with him up and leaving. This is were I have a problem, go figure that I'd have a problem with a film ending. In the next few paragraphs I plan to knock out the reasons why "up and leaving" may not have been the best choice for Truman to make at the end of the film. Let's get to is, shall we!

1) It would piss a lot of people off. I don't just mean Producers, Actors, the Dome Maintenance Crew, people who invested into building what would be a very expensive "set", the director guy, and his video crew. I mostly mean the fans. Security Guards neglected their work to watch the show, one guy wouldn't even get out of the bath so long as the show was on. People placed bets on every thing Truman did on the show. When he leaves, what's to stop one of his crazy fans from deciding to assassinate him because Truman doesn't want to do the show anymore? What about the more high-stakes gamblers, who lost a lot when the show ended, they may actually have to power to stop Truman dead (if you get what I'm saying). Anyways, that's that point.

2) He doesn't know where the hell he's going once he's left. I understand that Truman does have the picture of the girl and that she's his goal once he leaves. I also understand that she'll try to find him. But how the hell is this going to happen? He'll leave, but how does he know how to leave the dome. He walks into darkness at the end, the domes walls have to be pretty thick do house all the equipment it did. Walking through it would be like walking through a maze. Once he leaves it, where then? He doesn't know where the girl actually lives and with the giant rush of fans that will follow Truman's every move, it'll be hard for her to get near him. I'm just saying.

3) He has to completely adjust to a new and different life. His entire life to the point of leaving the show was essentially normal. But once he leaves, he'll gain the life of the most famous star in the entire world in seconds. That's the equivalent of me just walking outside one day to see thousand's (possibly million's) of people ready to greet me. Sure, that would be awesome for someone who wants fame, but Truman clearly didn't want that, so it wouldn't be awesome for him. Second point to this is, although his life has been normal, everything he's "worked" for has essentially been planned out. If he didn't get a job when he was younger and a first time applicant, that was preplanned. When he did get the job he had on the show, that was preplanned? Ever aspect of his life was essentially preplanned, he essentially didn't work for anything. How does he expect to get a job in the real world? He'll be that one guy from the T.V. show that everyone talks about. Worst case scenario, he can't get a job and ends up like George Reeve's (may he rest in peace). Best case scenario, he ends up getting a dead-end job while his entire life is scrutinized and most likely filmed for a crappy reality television series on Fox. He'll end up like almost every sing Child Star that ever lived (cocaine addictions and all). Come to think of it, the second scenario may be the worst case.

Now I know the whole point of the film was to show why living a life of uncertainty holds more freedom than a life preplanned, but that doesn't mean Truman had to just leave right away. I mean, once he became fully aware of everything and expressed interest in leaving, the producers and whatnot would have no choice but to let him leave. But at least if Truman had waited, he would be able to leave safely and not face the three problems mentioned above. That's just my opinion, though. If you've read this and have seen the movie, let me know your opinion via any medium you see fit, facebook message, chat, in person, etc.