Saturday, July 10, 2010

Movie Review: Predators

Obviously someone saw Predators last night. Give you a hint... it was me. I've always wanted to write a review on movies, but never actually have. This blog gives me the opportunity to write one! So I'm going to break this down into a few parts. Part one, how the movie stands alone. Part two, how it stands as a Predator movie. Part three, cast. Part four, producer. Part five, audience. Part six, the grade I give the film.
Okay, so let us go on to part one. As far as normal everyday movies go, Predators ranks on my list as a very action packed awesome movie. It's totally a "guy" film, it's got at least one lady, weapons, and explosions, all it was missing was a car chase. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the film from start to finish.
Part two, stacking it up against its predecessors. Okay, so I may not be the right guy for this part. After all I've only seen the first Predator film. I saw part of the second and I'm aware that it involves a city and Danny Glover. I have seen AvP and AvP:R, so that helps. From what I have seen, I can tell you it is hands down a thousand times better than that crap AvP: Requiem. I even liked it better than AvP. (Spoiler) The whole film pretty much ignores the events of those two films, but does make references to the first Predator. (End Spoiler) The movie is a sequel to the Predator series and it delivers as a Predator film.
Casting call! Adrien Brody, ex-military guy, not buff like Arnold was but pretty damn ripped, he did well, although I kept thinking he was going to have sex with a Predator at some point in the film, thanks Splice! Alice Braga, token female Black Ops, I liked her role a lot and she did a great job, but I kept wanting her to be Michelle Rodriquez. Topher Grace, medic, despite one of the commercials showing his face, seeing him in the film took me completely off guard, he acts like Eric Foreman most of the way through, but then his role gets pretty good near the end. Danny Trejo, typecast, this guy is awesome, in real life the dude is a criminal turned movie star, he fit his role as a Mexican drug dealer. Mah Ali, death squad officer, I shortened this guys name, I knew I remembered him from a series called The 4400, but only after I watched the film, he brought some awesome realism to the character. Oleg Taktarov, Russian soldier, accent and all, what more do I need to say. Walton Goggins, criminal, I like this guy in movies and television, I liked his role in this film. Laurence Fishburne, not going to spoil this one, but he did well. The Predators, pretty cool motion acting.
The Producer! Robert Rodriguez. The only stuff I've seen come out of this guy are the Spy Kids films and Sharkboy and Lavagirl. So going from that to Predators, with movies like From Dusk Till Dawn and Once Upon a Time in Mexico under his belt, he did a good job delivering an awesome film.
But what about the audience. I have to judge who sees these movies, just to warn you. A lot of people kept getting up and walking in and out of the theater. A fat guy and stopping skinny sprinter guy kept getting up off and on throughout the entire film. Most of the audience was filled with all sorts of different types of "cool guy movie buffs" who like to talk about what they think of the film as it happens. So naturally, I hated the audience.
Finally, my overall grade. A is for awesome and a must see. B is for, see it if you get the chance. C is for make it a rental. D is for, don't see unless someone forces you. F is for, never watch under any circumstances. If you're a Predator fan, then I give the movie an A. For the rest of you, it's a B.

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